Elliot's Adult Nut Butter

Eliot’s Adult Nut Butters Just Saved My Reputation!

I could hear them laughing and snickering at the water cooler. Adults can be so cruel. Every day my wife packs a paper sack lunch for me. She knows how much I love Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches. When I was a kid, my mom would make them for me every day. All the kids were jealous, as they sat there eating day old cold lunchroom pizza.

Now they have all grown up. Their taste has changed. Every lunch brought in by my coworkers is posh and filled with exotic ingredients. Talking loudly from the table next to me about the flavors and variety of their fancy foods, judging me for eating my peanut butter and jelly every day. Adults can be cruel and mean.

Fiesta Con Elliots Nut Butter
Parties will never be the same.

Little did they know, I was not eating normal PB&J. Oh no, there was nothing normal about my lunch. The others would bring take out from the local Thai Restaurant. Bragging of the sweet heat and the balance of the five flavors: sour, sweet, salty, bitter, and spicy.

They did not know what I had found, Eliot s Adult Nut Butters. Healthy nut butter brands are not always easy to find. I found Eliot’s Nut Butter shimmering like a diamond in my Daily Amazon Suggestions. My life will never be the same.

Every day is a new flavor:

Elliot's Many Flavors
Spicy Thai Peanut Butter, Honey Chipotle Peanut Butter, Garam Masala Peanut Butter, Espresso Nib Peanut Butter, Harissa Cashew Butter, Chocolate Chili Almond Butter,
and of course Sriracha Sunflower Butter. 

About the author

I tell stories. Good ones.

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