
Amazon Echo and Skynet Making the World Better

It is all his fault. I have no doubt about it. Although usually when you say you blame someone it has this negative feel to it. I blame Gene Roddenberry for almost every technology we have. It’s not like he made them or anything. He just dreamed them up and cast that vision to the world. It was inevitable that once he said “make it so” it then become so.

We truly live in a wonderful age. How fantastic is the idea of just walking around your house asking the house to play music for you. House, give me slow jazz. Asking your house what the next step in a recipe is? House, What do I do with the flour once the vodka is in it? Or asking your home to entertain you. House, my leg hurts I need Vicodin. Wait. That’s not the right house. That’s the drugged out doctor show. All you have to do when you want to be entertained is ask your house to play episodes of a drugged out doctor show.

With an Amazon Echo paired up to Alexa you can have all the entertainment the internet holds as well as using any of the plentiful smart house devices we use to feel like we are on the USS Enterprise.

Get one Here!

Some amazing things you can get your echo to do for you.

Echo connects to Alexa to play music, make calls, set music alarms and timers, ask questions, control smart home devices, and more—instantly.

Pick and artist or genera. Amazon Music, Spotify, Pandora, and more are at your command. We all know that music is great but at times we need to do a little more reading. Echo can do that for you. Reading with no effort using Echo to play Audible audiobooks, radio stations, news briefs, and more.

The sound, sweet Beethoven the sound! With a new speaker and a pushed update that fixed some earlier sound quality issues, now with Dolby processing for crisp vocals and dynamic bass response. Echo can fill the room with 360° omnidirectional audio. Adjust the treble, mid, and bass levels with your voice.

Skynet is always getting smarter and adding new features and skills. Just ask Skynet to control your TV, request an Uber, order a pizza, send Terminators to find Sarah Connor, and more. Oh, ummm. Ignore that. The press release said not to talk about that yet.

Have a great day. Ignore the large robots and stay in your home. Good thing you have Alexa on your Echo to keep you company.

About the author

I tell stories. Good ones.

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